The framework




Care Professionals

What is the Mejora Framework?

Broad areas of competence considered necessary for the effective delivery of residential care to older people have been laid out under the main headings of ‘Business’, ‘Professional’ and ‘Personal Skills’. Each topic has a descriptor of competence related to the Manager’s role and banding, estimating the level of complexity of the competence (1 low – 3 high) expected in the role. 

Below that is the measure by which that might be judged and the source of any anticipated evidence that might be required.

developed by Cedi Frederick, FIoD, FCMI, FRSA, MInstLM GGA

How to use the Framework ?

Managers are invited to undertake an online self-assessment of their own competence indicating (but not actually producing) where the evidence is to support their assessment. The more honest they are about their competence, the more beneficial the emerging development programme can be.

Works both ways

This Framework is supported by a 360° Review, the results of which will be given to both the manager and his/her line manager to inform this process.

This will help inform the ‘softer’ competencies where tangible measurement is more difficult.

Competency Level


Fully Competent
The Manager’s CPD will be based on continuing improvement.


The Manager has failed to demonstrate their competence in key areas of the role and requires intensive support and supervision.


Capable to undertake the role with Personal Development Plan focusing on agreed areas of development need.


Competence not acceptable
The Manager has a number of shortcomings in their competence that requires major action to bring them up to the required level of competency for the role.

How will a Manager's Competency be assessed?

Stage one of the review is the manager’s self-assessment of their own competence.
This will be supported by an online panel of colleagues including the manager’s line manager and others who have direct contact with the Manager across the range of competencies.

Collective feedback from the panel will inform the Managers’ annual appraisal.

develop outstanding management skills

Start Review

Assessing Skills & Capability

Management Survey


Competence level is below target, intervention is recommended.

Complete the steps below to schedule a session with the Manager.


Competence level is below target, intervention is recommended.

Complete the steps below to schedule a session with the Manager.

Skills Passport

You have successfully completed your Self-Assessment. This certificate servers as confirmation of your current skills, capabilities and ability to undertake the role of:

Service Manager


Skills Level

Human Resources

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Assessing Skills & Capability


Demonstrate ability to make clear decisions and deal with challenges positively, while clearly and persuasively communicating, shows resilience, drive and initiative while being fair and consistent.

Confidence & Judgement

Ability to make clear decisions and deals positively with challenges. Decisive, manages own feelings conflicts and setbacks.

Communication & Influence

Ability to communicate clearly and persuasively to people inside and outside the organisation. Negotiates win/wins. Influences inside and outside the organisation.

Commitment & Drive

Ability to take the initiative and achieve objectives. Shows initiative and sets and meets challenging goals.


Ability to be fair and consistent, do what you say you are going to do both inside and outside the organisation.

Planning & Organisation

Ability to define priorities and organise resources to deliver them effectively. Shows attention to detail, sets priorities and plans ahead.

Analytical Thinking

Ability to sift information, draw conclusions and develop a practical way forward. Perform complex and strategic analyses.


Consistently and proactively co-operates with others, offers support and improves effectiveness in daily operations.

Team Working

Co-operates with others, offers support and works to improve team effectiveness and contributes effectively to cross functional teams.

Leading Your Team

Encourages participation, manages performance, communicates a compelling vision and represents the team externally.

Developing & Coaching Others

Able to identify training needs, delegates appropriately, coaches others and develops organisational capability.

Business Management & Development

Balances commercial expectations consistently alongside the delivery of high quality care and support.

Customer Focus

Shows respect to customers, deals proactively with their needs and problems, seeks feedback and continually improves the service.

Innovation & Market Awareness

Understands the market, the political, social and economic climate. Recognises opportunities and are entrepreneurial.


Demonstrates the required technical and range of management skills.

People & Professional

Continually demonstrates knowledge and behaviours that reflect the organisation’s Philosophy, Diversity & Inclusion and Equality principles.

Values & Ethics

Behaviour always reflects the organisation’s Philosophy and Equality principles.


Provides visible leadership to ensure all members of staff work to their highest potential.


Works to maintain constructive and productive relationships with all business contacts.


Supports the delivery of up to date practise through procedural, training and supervision processes.

Health & Social Care Act

Knowledgeable about own duties and ensures home and facilities are safe for residents, visitors and staff. Assess risks and maximises freedom. Speaks in an informed way about the home. 


Ensures capacity judgements are made legally and recorded. Understands and applies the Mental Capacity Act principles and DoLS continually to deliver safe and quality care to residents.

Audit & Governance

Actively uses all audit and scrutiny systems and inspection data to deliver service improvements.


Continuously demonstrates knowledge of digital tools and maximises their use to drive efficiency and effectiveness.

Software & Equipment

Competent practitioner in using relevant Software, Devices and Equipment.


Continually demonstrates behaviours that uphold the organisation’s Philosophy of Care, Diversity & Inclusion and cultural ethos across the service.


Demonstrates behaviours that uphold the organisation’s Philosophy of Care.


Responds promptly to opportunities for improvement and sees continuous improvement as key success indicators.


Contributes to, and completes annual business planning with SMART targets to ensure continuous improvement in service delivery.

Operational Planning

Demonstrates commitment to annual business planning activities and aligns with the organisation’s key objectives, clear and concise communication when producing reports.

Reporting & Communication

Produces concise and clear reports to describe service position and proposes achievable recommendations.


Consistently maximises the home’s occupancy in line with organisational strategies.


Demonstrates project management ability, proposes development ideas and is capable at negotiation, contributing to winning contracts.


Represents the organisation with Local Authority and Private Individuals to agree service contracts.


Uses written and presentational skills to affect improvements in relationships.

Service Delivery

Consistently ensures and delivers high quality compliant services for the benefit of residents.


Consistently ensures legal and regulatory compliance, health & safety practises and measures are up to date and in place for auditing and inspections.


Monitors and maintains the Service for compliance.
Service is ready and compliant at all times for audits and inspections.

Health & Safety

Ensures systems are secure and up to date. Staff are informed and know what to do when required.

Business Skills

Finance, Human Resources Management, Legal, Marketing, Planning, Quality, Technology.


Participates in budget development.


Proactively monitors and controls spending, proposing virements (administrative transfer of budgetary funds).


Can read financial spreadsheet and interpret contents.


Reports on time, activities and variations.

Human Resource

Shows capability to address staffing needs, including recruitment, retention, induction and staff personal development.

Recruit & Retain

Promptly fills vacancies, inducts develops and supervises staff.


Challenges poor practise and performance, recording actions and using the organisation’s HR policies and procedures appropriately.

Service Management Team

Amanda Lee

Service Manager

Adam Cheise

Assistant Manager

Mike Stuart

Senior Team Leader

Carers in Service

Levels based on last assessment period

Staff details

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Assessing Skills & Capability

Carer Competencies Survey

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